Rödl & Partner – The agile caring partner for Mittelstand shaped world market leaders
Our service lines:
Stuttgart is one of Europe's most innovative metropolitan regions. An internationally unique combination of world-renowned multinationals and innovative medium-sized companies makes Baden-Württemberg so special. With recognised expertise for the globally-active Mittelstand, Rödl & Partner has been successfully supporting a wide spectrum of companies, among them hidden champions, for more than 20 years.
In our Stuttgart office, auditors, lawyers, management and tax consultants make up an exceptional consulting team of 160 colleagues. Our interdisciplinary approach allows us to bring clarity and pragmatic solutions to a wide range of complex legal, tax and international issues. In doing so, we work closely with our clients, with high emphasis on transparency and reliability. We are committed to being the first partner of choice for the internationally active Mittelstand.
Experience our office in Stuttgart in 360 degrees (tour in German) »
Rödl & Partner GmbHWirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Branch office:Friedrichstraße 670174 Stuttgart
Rödl GmbH Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
Branch office:Friedrichstraße 6 70174 Stuttgart
Dr. Alexander Kutsch
Managing Partner
Send inquiry
Thomas Benzinger
Agilo Difflipp
M&A Yearbook: Insights into Rödl & Partner's M&A advisory services