

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Norway, known above all for its mountains, glaciers and deeply cut coastal fjords, is not a member of the EU, but as a European Free Trade Association country within the European Economic Area (EEA), it is closely integrated into the economic system of continental Europe. The North European Kingdom, with one of the world's highest standards of living, offers a diverse economy that has long outgrown natural resources as its traditional source of wealth. Moving away from primarily oil driven sectors, Norway is well on its way towards a greener and more diversified economy, investing heavily in offshore wind, hydropower and, most of all, education.


With a per capita GDP of approximately 80,000 euros, a highly educated work force and a stable and resilient economy, Norway's upward trajectory is carried in large part by a long-term public investment strategy that is financed by a margin of the oil trade returns. True to Nordic tradition, the country has built a remarkably stable and resilient social compact, defined by a labour market often controlled by collective bargaining and a highly efficient public administration – all while maintaining an inviting climate for foreign investors. High-end manufacturing, shipbuilding, offshore technology and the software industry so attract money from all over the world; in its wake a blossoming services industry has developed and a fast and rich real estate market offers both financial refuge and opportunity.


Rödl & Partner has been present in Norway for many years via its closely associated partner, the law firm Seland Orwall AS. Since 2022 the collaboration has become even closer, and Seland Orwall has become the law firm Seland | Rödl & Partner AS. Though still remaining an independent, self-owned law firm under Norwegian law, Seland | Rödl & Partner offers integrated, high-quality services to clients of Rödl & Partner worldwide, ranging from M&A, employment law, everyday legal support, VAT and tax planning all the way over to compliance and the full range of real estate advisory.


Through trusted and long-standing partnerships, Rödl & Partner can provide accounting, payroll and tax compliance services.


Seland | Rödl & Partner AS

Parkveien 55
0256 Oslo

+47 22 40 38 00

Rödl & Partner Accounting AS

Karenslyst Allé 2
0278 Oslo

+47 91 00 09 00


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Jens-Christian Pastille

Attorney at Law (Germany, Latvia)


+371 6733 8125

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Jørgen Sandaas Jynge

Attorney at Law (Norway)


+47 224 03 800
+47 957 59 626

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Tax / VAT/ TP

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Stian Wessel

Attorney at Law (Norway)


+47 976 55 556

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Corporate / M&A

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Peder Brøndmo

Attorney at Law (Norway)


+47 911 29 019

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