

​​​​​​​​​Three independent nations and three local markets with distinctive features – the Baltic States have transformed to become an attractive economic region in Northern Europe, spanning a bridge to Scandinavia. The Baltic market is endowed with a highly educated and technically keen workforce, modern infrastructure and a liberal economy. However, the challenges posed by changes in the global economy require further adjustments, which simultaneously create opportunities for the entry of foreign companies into the Baltic market.


Lithuania is not only the largest country of the booming Baltic trio, but with its three cities Vilnius, Klaipeda (Memel) and Kaunas, it also offers the most diverse investment landscape in the region: investment opportunities are present in sectors ranging from harbour logistics to the rapidly developing office space market, or from large tourist projects to the specialised light industry – with all indicators pointing to growth.

Rödl & Partner is present in Lithuania with a wholly-owned office in Vilnius, supporting companies in the structuring of their business engagement in the Baltic States, with internationally experienced, multilingual specialists and from a single source.


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Tobias Kohler


+370 5 2123 590

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Jens-Christian Pastille

Attorney at Law (Germany, Latvia)


+43 17 1241 1417

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Rödl & Partner Vilnius

Tilto g. 1
LT-01101 Vilnius

+370 5 2123 590
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