
​​​While direct investments through company acquisitions and start-ups are stagnating after years of rapid growth in the countries of Northern Europe, they are on an upward trajectory in Sweden. Swedish enterprises and banks dominate in the Baltic region and play an important role in, among others, Poland and Russia. Also, more and more German investors operating in Sweden are relying on the experience and networks of their Swedish subsidiaries and business partners for investing in the region. Rödl & Partner itself underwent this process early on and systematically expanded its presence in the Baltic region. Today, we have offices in all important locations around the Baltic Sea.  We have been active in Sweden since the early 90s and are among the leading international advisory firms. Our wholly-owned offices in Malmö and Stockholm advise German and international enterprises in all audit, law and tax related matters via a central point of contact, ensuring optimum support across all borders and disciplines.



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Lars-Göran Larsson


+46 40 6607 358

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Jens-Christian Pastille

Attorney at Law (Germany, Latvia)


+371 6733 8125

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