Sustainability at Rödl & Partner


Our sustainability report

Transparent communication with our stakeholders is of great importance for us. Therefore, we have been publishing sustainability reports, since 2017 on a voluntary basis. In these reports, we provide information about our commitment to our employees, society, nature, and the economy. In addition to the milestones we have already achieved, we also report on our future goals and ambitions.

GROWING TOGETHER - our fourth sustainability report 2021/2022 shows how we fulfill our corporate responsibility at Rödl & Partner and bring our sustainability goals to life. We disclose our key areas of action and report across our locations in 26 European countries. By 2025, we will include all Rödl & Partner offices in around 50 countries in the reporting in order to enhance sustainability at all levels.

In future, and with the adoption of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) by the European Commission, we will report in accordance with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). This is an important step towards greater transparency and comparability in the field of non-financial reporting. 
Sustainability report 2021/2022 » 


- Sustainability report 2019/2020 » 


- Sustainability report 2018 »


Sustainability report 2017 » 

For ecological reasons, our sustainability reports are only provided in digital form.

Interview with Prof. Dr. Christian Rödl


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Felix Madeja

Managing Partner

+49 911 9193 1010

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Sarah Schmidt

+49 911 9193 3728

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