

Rödl & Partner – The agile caring partner for Mittelstand shaped world market leaders


Our service lines:

​With a population of over 500,000, Nuremberg is the second largest city of Bavaria and a junction point connecting important European motorways, as well as one of the top 5 logistics locations in Germany. Nuremberg's strategically favourable location between the high-volume sales market of Western Europe and the production market of Eastern Europe, in addition to its reputation as a know-how centre in logistics is highly valued by Germany’s leading logistics companies. The city has gained international renown as a commercial, congress and trade fair centre with its own airport. Nuremberg not only boasts a rich tradition but is at the same time the heart of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region, one of Germany's 10 largest business locations and home to companies active in diverse segments of industry and services. Medium-sized companies, including many hidden champions, are headquartered here.
Rödl & Partner was founded in 1977 in Nuremberg. Once a solo practice, it has now evolved into a global professional services firm with 116​​​​ own offices in 50 countries. Nevertheless, it has remained faithful to the place where it was originally founded. The Rödl & Partner Campus, as the firm’s head office is called, is located in the eastern part of the city. Over 1,000 dedicated colleagues provide our clients with tailored professional services.

Our headquarters from above

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Rödl GmbH Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft Steuerberatungsgesellschaft

Äußere Sulzbacher Straße 100
90491 Nuremberg

+49 911 9193 0

Rödl & Partner GmbH

Äußere Sulzbacher Straße 100
90491 Nuremberg

+49 911 9193 0

Rödl Consulting GmbH

Äußere Sulzbacher Straße 100
90491 Nuremberg

+49 911 1807 870


Contact Person Picture

Prof. Dr. Christian Rödl, LL.M. (Columbia University, New York)

Managing Partner

+49 911 9193 1000

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Contact Person Picture

Dr. Hans Weggenmann

Managing Partner

+49 911 9193 1050

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