Avv. Nadia Martini: Lawyer of the Year for Privacy & Data Protection (Le Fonti Awards 2018)


Milan, June 22, 2018 – Avv. Nadia Martini, Associate Partner and Head of Data Pro­tection of Rödl & Partner, has been awarded as “Lawyer of the Year” for “Privacy & Data Protection” at Le Fonti Awards 2018 which took place on June, 21 at Palazzo Mezzanotte (Borsa Italiana) in Milan.

The award has been assigned by a jury composed by Italian and international business managers and journalists. The jury recognized to Nadia Martini a great expertise and deep knowledge of each aspect related to privacy matters and to the new European data protection regulation (the so called “GDPR”). Moreover, Nadia Martini has been able to provide her clients with effective and prompt solutions to protect and process their data.

Nadia Martini followed in the last years the implementation of the GDPR in leading international companies; she also provides assistance to Italian and foreign clients in judicial and extra-judicial matters concerning data protection, Copyright and Industrial Property Law.

This is not the first award for Nadia Martini: thanks to the activity done by Nadia Martini and her team, Rödl & Partner received in 2017 the prize “Law firm of the Year” for Privacy assigned during the Legalcommunity IP & TMT Awards; moreover the Data Protection team led by Nadia Martini received another award as for Data Protection & Intellectual Property at Le Fonti Awards 2017.



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Nadia Martini


+39 02 6328 841

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