

The city of Porto with its strategic location is the second largest city in Portugal and the most attractive city for doing business in the northern region of the country. Due to its tradition as a trading city, its geographical location and good transport connections, the city offers an excellent strategic position for service sector companies and perfect access to the European, African and American markets.
Portugal's economic upturn and a boom in affordable flights that connect the city with over 70 destinations have led to a significant growth of the tourism and construction sectors over the recent years.
In addition, Porto is becoming more and more attractive for companies looking to set up branch offices and expand existing business operations. The reason for this is the low cost of living, a highly qualified and multilingual workforce, considerable investments in research and development as well as incentives for businesses active in this area.
Rödl & Partner has established its own office in Porto, with multilingual, highly-qualified Portuguese and German professionals working hand-in-hand in interdisciplinary teams. With close knowledge of the local requirements, coupled with many years of experience, we are able to provide optimum advice to our clients on all matters relating to accounting, audit, law and taxes.


Rödl & Partner Porto

Avenida da Boavista 1180
4100-113 Porto

+351 220 1867 96

Contact in Porto

Contact Person Picture

Filipe Lobo d’Avila

+351 212 4726 88

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