Organisational consulting in the public sector


​The structure of the organisation has to be adaptable to enjoy sustainable success. In addition to the purely technical adjustment of structures, the focus must always be on people.
Rödl & Partner will support you to implement the right strategic decisions to ensure a sustainable development of the organisational structures.

Our services for you:

Leadership Intelligence® as a basis for the success of your organisation

In addition to guidelines, direct oral instructions and personal control, the leadership of public administrations in a dynamic environment requires management which is structured. This is not oriented to individual cases, but is rather for the design of general conditions which usually removes the need to subsequently intervene at a personal level. These are regulating and structural aspects which also have an effect when the supervisor happens not to be present. Independent action, flexibility and encouragement of creativity are promoted by a consistent leadership system based on differentiated leadership principles. In order to establish an organisation which can control complexity, a leadership method is required which integrates numerous leadership elements. Vision.iC® is based on a goal-oriented leadership method. It offers a regulatory framework which smoothly ensures the networking of goals and strategy from the vision up to the employees. This enables you to delegate your objectives in an understandable manner to employees and simultaneously ensure that day-to-day operations, i.e. working processes, run as they should. You promote independent action and at the same time have everything under control.

Business process improvement

We improve the efficiency of business processes in six steps:
  • Preparation of a process map
  • Definition of part processes
  • Structuring of operations
  • Definition of execution targets
  • Determination of target processes
  • Introduction of regular process management


Selection of the right form of organisation 

The right form of organisation is the condition for the efficient fulfilment of tasks. In this process the decision about the right form of organisation depends on a number of parameters. We advise you to investigate the current status of the form of your organisation. Rödl & Partner will support you to identify existing weaknesses:
  • Exploration of the ideal co-operation model    
  • Concepts for inter-municipal co-operation 
  • Founding of the legal form, transformations, mergers
  • Re-municipalisation models


Improvement of the organisational structure

No organisation is perfect. The corporate structure has to be adaptable in order to achieve long‑term success. Rödl & Partner will support you to make the right strategic decisions to ensure sustainable development of organisational structures:
  • Execution of organisational investigations from inclusion of the process up to analysis and including the improvement of existing structures
  • Execution of task reviews
  • Assistance for processes to develop the organisation
  • Process-oriented determination of the personnel requirement
  • Review and assessment of the personnel structure
  • Determination and review of internal control systems



Contact Person Picture

Martin Wambach

Managing Partner

+49 221 9499 091 00

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