Development and management of personnel in the public sector

Three factors for success are very important in relation to the development and management of personnel.

Success factor 1: Management infrastructure

Management infrastructure is always effective when it is applicable to the complete organisation and is not implemented or removed as required according to the wishes of managers. The development and management of personnel can only function effectively when the individual elements of the infrastructure such as the organisational structure, target structure, value structure and communication structure in total are fine-tuned to enable an effective management system.

Success factor 2: Feedback

The only possible way to further develop character is through self-awareness. As is commonly known in the field of learning psychology, the development of social and technical competence largely depends on the knowledge which the acting person receives about behaviour and performance through feedback.

Success factor 3: Trust 

Personal commitment, motivation and the ability to change require an exceptionally good company atmosphere and a trusting partnership between employees and the administration.

Our services for you: 

Development of management personnel

  • Review and development of the required profiles for leadership characteristics
  • Review and development of the required profiles for leadership skills
  • Preparation of development plans to establish leadership skills
  • Implementation of development plans and introduction of monthly feedback to monitor progress 


Personnel development

  • Preparation of required profiles for execution skills depending on the application area with the focus on youth and social aspects, finance and controlling, facility management
  • Implementation in job advertisements and preparation of job evaluations
  • Preparation of individual measures to develop skills
  • Development of controlling to analyse progress of skills development
  • Assessment of staff deployment

The implementation of the development and management of personnel is made with Leadership Intelligence® und Vision.iC®.



Contact Person Picture

Martin Wambach

Managing Partner

+49 221 9499 091 00

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