Strategy development for the public sector


​The leadership software Vision.iC® is the leading system for the operationalisation of long term goals and implementation of strategies in day-to-day operations.
The integrated feedback system which integrates all the employees and management staff, supplies up-to-date management information. The clear organisation of the Vision.iC® cockpit enables a good overview of many networked goals so that the right decisions can be made.

The combination of methods and software enables the following results:
  • Interlinking of mission statement and management principles
  • Representation of goals and assignment of measures
  • Definition of sets of key figures for target control and implementation in the software
  • Realisation of multi-layered budgets and key figure sets
  • Measurable management objectives
  • Representation of process and function structures for integration in strategies and day-to-day operations
  • Administration of employee goals
  • Implementation of feedback workflows for targets, measures and projects
  • Cockpit and problem-solving methods
  • Standard reports



Contact Person Picture

Martin Wambach

Managing Partner

+49 221 9499 091 00

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