Foreign trade & customs consulting


​​​​​​​​​The legal regulations of international trade are complex, subject to quick change and have an immediate impact on company processes. Companies with international operations are especially concerned with security, cost-effectiveness and the achievement of objectives. The Rödl & Partner expert team for foreign trade offers practical and strategic solutions. At our Stuttgart location we are specialised in providing advice in the areas of:

 zollExportkontrolleEinfuhrumsatzsteuer und Umsatzsteuer mit DrittlandsbezugVerbrauchsteuernSchulungenProzessgestaltung entlang der WertschöpfungsketteInteressenvertretung
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The development of a target-oriented strategy and implementation of these areas in company processes regularly lead to interfaces and an overlap with other specialist areas. We offer a one‑stop shop for all your requirements.


Clients benefit from the combination of the core competence of our foreign trade team with our specialised lawyers, tax consultants and compliance experts who were partly previously employed by the financial authorities. This may be in connection with questions relating to value added tax, legal protection realised through your contracts or the organisation of international corporate structures including transfer pricing arrangements. 


Learn more about typical scenarios with consignment stocks, export control clauses and deliveries within corporate groups.

How we can help

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