

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Although the economic, political and administrative environment still remains particularly challenging, an increasing number of Western European companies, including a large number of German enterprises, are active in Belarus.

Rödl & Partner is present in the Belarussian market via its wholly owned office in Minsk, rendering accounting (outsourcing), legal and tax consulting services.
Our accountants and attorneys at law speak German, Russian, Belarusian and English, with completed studies from Belarussian and German institutions.

We advise mainly medium-sized German and international companies investing in Belarus through e.g. joint ventures, business acquisitions, the development of local production units, or cross-border trade.


Contact Person Picture

Yurij Kazakevitch

Associate Partner

+375 17 2424 284

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Rödl & Partner Minsk

Ul. Rakovskaja 16B-5H
220004 Minsk
Republic of Belarus

+375 17 2424 284
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