
​​​Cracow is Poland’s second largest city by population. The city's rich history manifests itself in its exceptional abundance of monuments and beautiful architecture. Currently, Cracow is also a world-renowned hub for outsourcing centres of international companies. Cracow is home to the Nuremberg House – an association for cultural exchange between Cracow and Nuremberg as part of a partnership between the cities. From 1996 to 2021, our office was also located in that building. In May 2021, our office was moved to the modern Mogilska Office building in the city centre.

From our office in Cracow, our German-speaking professionals offer advisory services in the following areas:
  • Audit
  • Business Process Outsourcing
  • Legal 
  • Tax 
  • Consulting and business finance 
  • New Technologies 

With a team of experienced multilingual specialists, we offer our clients doing business in Cracow and generally in Poland interdisciplinary support from a single source.

Do you want to be up to date? Follow us on social media! 


Rödl & Partner Krakow #WeAreRoedl

Rödl & Partner Cracow

ul. Mogilska 43
31-545 Cracow

+48 12 2132 500




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Anna Smagowicz-Tokarz

Associate Partner

+48 12 3786 639

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Jarosław Hein


+48 32 3301 207

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Aleksandra Majnusz

+48 12 213 25 00

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Business Process Outsourcing

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Barbara Różycka

Associate Partner

+48 12 3786 618

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