Rödl & Partner Brazil: Mercedes-Benz joins dual study program – Join us, too!




Seeking to improve the Brazilian educational system and in partnership with Mackenzie Presbyterian University and the German-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in São Paulo, the Dual Study Accounting 4.0 program has been successfully implemented this year in Brazil.


With over 100 years of tradition in Germany, the dual education system is characterized by a close partnership between students and companies, integrating a theoretical framework with practice application. Young students who participate in the program, seek professional qualification and remuneration, while companies aim to obtain a selected group of highly productive and innovative employees.


The program Dual Study Accounting 4.0 has now been joined by a new strong partner: Mercedes-Benz do Brasil, under the supervision of its CFO Kathrin Pfeffer, who herself successfully completed a dual study program in Germany, has now confirmed its participation in this innovative and unique program in Brazil, alongside other renowned companies such as Henkel, Ziehl-Abegg, KPMG and regional public accounting firms like Consulcamp, Domingues & Pinho and Abordin.


Kathrin affirmed: "Exactly 30 years ago, I completed my dual studies in partnership with Mercedes-Benz in Stuttgart. Based on my personal experience, I am absolutely convinced of the dual model and very happy to be able to participate with Mercedes-Benz do Brasil in this project and have the opportunity to offer internships for accounting students."


Companies interested in participating in the program can contact us.​


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Phil Klose

Managing Partner South America

+55 11 5094 6060

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