Rödl & Partner offers clients guidance in the corona crisis and operates with its own task force


Nuremberg, 3 March 2020: The coronavirus represents an enormous challenge for us all. This applies in particular to the health of our own employees, but also to the operative business. In order to keep the clients of Rödl & Partner oriented in these difficult times, an extensive and constantly growing range of information from the Rödl & Partner service lines and countries was created. The corresponding article series in German and in English enjoy great popularity (currently 85,000 page impressions).

"We are very familiar with the acute and medium-term advisory and auditing needs of our clients. That is why we work closely together to develop solutions. Rödl & Partner is fully remote-capable and 100 per cent committed", explains Prof. Dr. Christian Rödl, Chairman of the Management Board of Rödl & Partner.

The information portal on roedl.de and roedl.com is a tailor-made fit. Legal aspects are taken into account as well as tax-related ones. In addition, numerous audit topics as well as global IT issues are highlighted.

"Our clients trust us, not least because we ourselves adjusted professionally to the situation at a very early stage. We are looking ahead: our global Corona Task Force, which has been in existence for weeks now, manages our own activities. I lead it. All teams around the globe are involved. They have the same level of knowledge in all facets. We coordinate our strategy closely in daily Skype conferences and are fully operational in all of our 111 offices", adds Rödl.


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Petar Grujicic-Hauck

Deputy Head of Corporate Communications

+49 911 9193 2852

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