Health care & physician consulting

Health care is currently undergoing a fundamental change. Health practitioners including physicians or non-physicians require highly specialised advice. Rödl & Partner offers consulting services in the following areas for physicians and health care:


Medical law: partnerships, takeover of practices, contract design

With our comprehensive advice we make your practice secure for the future (e.g. group practices, practice branch offices, medical care centres, employed doctors, succession planning, regulatory matters, health centres, legal forms, co-operation agreements with hospitals, etc.). In addition, the experts at Rödl & Partner will find solutions for any complex tax questions. This is also true for dentists and health practitioners who are not physicians. More »

Tax law: annual financial statement, tax declaration, financial accounting

We provide you with far-sighted advice for current tax matters for health practitioners including physicians or non-physicians or others active in the field of health care. Our consulting services include processing of wages and salaries, financial accounting in the practice and tax planning for private and professional areas. We make the preparations prior to your tax audit carried out by the tax authority and assist you with professional advice.

Out-of-court settlements in the area of health care

Instead of nerve-racking court proceedings we prefer resolving conflicts with out-of-court settlements. In this process a neutral and experienced person provides advice to assist the parties to resolve the dispute. In this respect in the area of health care we have had a considerable amount of success. This consensual approach to resolving disputes is generally less expensive than court proceedings and furthermore in contrast to public proceedings it has the advantage of being confidential.


Contact Person Picture

Norman Lenger-Bauchowitz, LL.M.


+49 911 9193 3713

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Contact Person Picture

Dr. Mathias Lorenz, M.I.Tax


+49 911 9193 3687

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