Capital market-oriented companies


​​​​The audit of capital market-oriented companies is shaped by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which also define the financial statements to be audited as well as the reporting time lines, especially due to capital market or stock exchange-specific requirements.
Our audit approach in this segment takes into account these fundamental requirements. Our audit teams have extensive and up-to-date knowledge of IFRS and are assisted as required by experts from our other service lines. In addition, our audit process is, due to time organisation and the distribution of audit activities, consistently geared towards fulfilling the ambitious reporting meetings requirements of the capital market. We ensure that both aspects are also satisfied worldwide through our unified procedures and close management of overseas offices.



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Martin Wambach

Managing Partner

+49 221 9499 091 00

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Dr. Bernd Keller


+49 911 9193 2200

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