Managed Security Services (MSS)



Managing an ISMS, DSMS or BCM can be complex and time-consuming. This poses challenges for many companies: Can appropriate internal staff be found? Are the necessary procedures and applications for managing the ISMS in place? And if not, which ones should be procured? Who will ensure that all employees are involved and trained?

This is why an integrated approach as a Managed Security Service (MSS) can offer advantages:

  • Efficient management of information security
  • Reduction of security risks
  • Relief of internal resources using cloud technologies and external specialists in the areas of ISMS, DS and BCM
  • Scalability depending on company size and requirements
  • ​Quick access via standard profiles in the IS/DS/BCM tool

Our service portfolio

Our Managed Information Security (MIS) service offers companies and organisations a comprehensive solution for managing information security, data protection and business continuity management.

Our service includes the provision and operation of a cloud solution that efficiently supports security processes. The solution serves and manages the topics of information security, data protection, compliance and business continuity. This means that you always have access to your critical resources, even in emergencies or if internal IT systems fail.

With the position of external information security officer (ext. ISB), external data protection officer or external emergency coordinator, we provide support in central functions with our expertise and experience and coordinate cooperation with IT, information security, data protection and compliance departments. 

By integrating eLearning platforms, we also ensure that your employees are always appropriately and purposefully trained and sensitised to the risks of information security and data protection. Phishing simulations can be used to critically review the success of the training measures.

We take a holistic approach to information security - in your organisation too.

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Data protection and information security from a single source

The overlaps between data protection and information security are manifold. With our specialised team, we can cover both areas within an organisation. This ensures that external ISB and external DPO work together efficiently, and synergies are created.

What makes Rödl & Partner special


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Falk Hofmann


+49 30 810 795 84

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Jonas Dikau


+49 221 9499 094 24

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