COMPREHENSIVE SUPPORTYou receive comprehensive support for your Microsoft Dynamics AX / D365 system.DYNAMIC CONTROLAfter the system has been introduced, you will enter dynamic regular operation. Regular operation means that we take care of a stable and high-performance D365 system together and jointly drive the further development of the application.INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCEYou design the scope of services individually according to your requirements.STANDARD SUPPORT MODELSYou can choose between different standard models (support models Basic, Advanced and Enterprise) and configure them individually.EXPERIENCE IN SUPPORTING MICROSOFT DYNAMICS USER COMPANIESRödl & Partner has been on the market since 2008 with a dedicated competence center for the support of Microsoft Dynamics user companies. You can benefit from this experience e.g. in the release, escalation and service management.BENEFITFor your investment you will get the best possible service as you can see in the following portfolio.
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Jens Hinkelmann
Head of service line Management and IT consulting
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