8th ASEAN Forum in Bangkok



Southeast Asia is one of the most dynamic and diverse regions in the world. This is also reflected in the business environment, which offers a wealth of opportunities and challenges. 

To operate successfully in this region, an open cultural understanding and the ability to make quick, flexible decisions are essential. In the ASEAN markets, which are characterized by a quite colorful palette of different regulations and dynamics, it is crucial that your business practices and strategic decisions are continuously adapted to changing regulatory and market conditions. 

Against the backdrop of ongoing geopolitical tensions and complex trade policies influencing the current and future economic and political landscape in Southeast Asia, economic resilience and sustainable success will increasingly depend on the ability to diversify and strengthen regional and international partnerships. In doing so, it is more important than ever to focus on risk reduction rather than to decouple from existing markets. We look forward to a stimulating exchange of ideas and perspectives with you!

Join us in our  8th ASEAN Forum on 27 March 2025!

Our experts in the fields of audit, tax, legal and BPO from Bangkok, Hanoi, Ho-Chi-Minh City, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Singapore and Yangon are looking forward to answer your questions relating to ASEAN business opportunities and challenges, to offer valuable insights and interdisciplinary top-level expertise. They are strongly supported by experienced representatives of a range of business sectors who will be sharing their hands-on regional experience with you.

Benefit from our presentations and practice insights on various ASEAN specific topics, get comprehensive answers to complex questions, discover new potentials for your individual business and avail yourself of the opportunity to create new cross-border synergies.

ASEAN Forum Bangkok – At a glance

27 March 2025


Roedl & Partner Bangkok Ltd


Kimpton Maa-Lai Bangkok 
No.78 Tonson Alley, Lumpini, Pathumwan
10330 Bangkok, Thailand 


We will gladly welcome you as our guest and accept  your registration by 24 March 2025. Please kindly note that your registration is subject to our confirmation.

Registration fee

The participation at the ASEAN Forum Bangkok is free of charge


Data Protection Notice

The information you provide in this Registration Form is to enable Rödl & Partner Bangkok Ltd. to perform the following: 

(a) register and contact you about your attendance at the event; 
(b) carry out administrative and planning activities for the event; 
and (c) facilitate your requirements in relation to the event. (hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Purposes”). 

By submitting this Registration Form, you consent to: Rödl & Partner Bangkok Ltd. collecting, using, and disclosing your personal data for the Purposes as described above. 

Photo and video recordings will be made during the event. A selection of these will be used as impressions on our homepage (www.roedl.com). With this we report about our events due to our legitimate interest in an appealing external presentation. If you do not agree with possible pictures of you, please let us know in advance with a message to Bettina Herzog or at the beginning of the event. 


The participation at the ASEAN Forum is free of charge. We will gladly accept your registration by 24 March 2025. Please kindly note that your registration is subject to our confirmation. 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Bettina Herzog, tel. +49 221 9499 09 340. 

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Contact Person Picture

Bettina Herzog

+49 221 9499 093 40

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