Brazil: Social action | Combating hunger with “Caça-Fome”


published on 5 November 2021 | reading time approx. 1 minute


On 30 October 2021, some colleagues from our São Paulo and Campinas offices participated in a super special event, where food baskets were assembled and will be delivered to families in extreme poverty, registered in the “Caça-Fome” Hunger Hunt project.


The “Caça-Fome” project was created by Daniel Ribeiro, a businessman from São Paulo, and started in April 2020 as an emergency campaign to help people in situations of risk or vulnerability through the distribution of food (emergency food baskets). The campaign has grown so much and since its foundation, the "Caça-Fome” Institute has already delivered more than 93,000 food baskets, and the main goal from now on is to help 1 million families.


We intend to perform this action in partnership with the “Caça-Fome” Institute every two months, and the next one will be in January.



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Phil Klose

Managing Partner South America

+55 11 5094 6060

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