Central Bank of Brazil conducts the foreign capital Census in the country


published on 27 June 2023 | reading time approx. 1 minute

The Central Bank of Brazil conducts the Foreign Capital Census in the Country (Census) to compile statistics on the external sector, such as the Balance of Payments and the International Investment Position.
The Census declaration is mandatory for legal entities and investment funds in Brazil that have non-resident investors in their share capital and have a net worth equal to or greater than 100 million US dollar on 31 December 2022.
After the revocation of Law 4.131/62 and its regulations, companies based in the country that only have a short-term commercial credit balance due to non-residents are no longer required to submit the Census declaration. The new requirement rule is limited to the participation of non-resident investors in the capital of resident companies and investment funds, as well as the net worth of these investors.
Information on external debt is no longer requested in the Census. The disclosure of information regarding foreign capital from loans, securities, commercial credits, and other modalities is done through the SCE-Crédito system (formerly known as RDE-ROF), following specific rules.
For the 2023 Census, based on the 2022 reference year, the regular deadline for submission of the declaration is from 3:00 AM on 3 July to 6:00 PM on 15 August 2023. The reference date is 31 December 2022.

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