Editorial ESG News 3/2024


Dear Readers, 

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) - all these regulations are directives or regulations that originate from the EU Green Deal and fall under the heading of ‘ESG - Environmental Social Governance’. With the re-election of Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in July 2024, the course has been set to continue the climate change and ESG projects that have been started. The aim is still for the EU to be the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. In her plans for her second term of office, Ursula von der Leyen makes it clear that the competitiveness of the EU and its companies must be strengthened to be prepared for the global market and against future crises. The ‘Clean Industrial Deal’, which rests on four pillars, is intended to be a key thrust: (1) planning certainty and simpler regulations, (2) rapid access to funding, (3) expansion of competences and (4) open trade for resilient supply chains. In essence, it is about Europe taking a leading role in the clean-tech race that is already underway and Europe's citizens benefiting from it. ​“For our companies and people, it means turning skills into quality jobs and innovation into mass production, thanks to a simpler and faster framework. Better access to finance will allow our key clean tech industries to scale up quickly.”,1 said Ursula von der Leyen.

What is certain is that the topics of sustainability, ESG, climate neutrality and fair trade are here to stay. You can rest assured that we will continue to monitor developments carefully in the future and offer you, our clients, the best possible guidance and support. An important next step is the adoption of the CSRD Implementation Act in Germany, which we expect by the end of the year. Another major milestone will be the first sustainability reports that capital market-oriented companies will submit in accordance with the new ESG reporting standards for the 2024 financial year in the first quarter of 2025. 

We have prepared further updates for you in the autumn edition of our ESG News: 

The government draft for CSRD transposition into German law has been finalised and has far-reaching consequences - especially for us as auditors. There have been some updates within sustainability reporting in accordance with CSRD and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), which we have summarised for you in the article ‘Sustainability reporting in transition: current developments and working aids at a glance’. We shed light on the materiality analysis as an important first step on the way to the sustainability report in ‘Double materiality in focus: Expert insights from auditing and consulting from two perspectives​’ and in ‘Interoperability between the ESRS and existing sustainability reporting standards and laws’ we explain the interoperability with other standards for you. CO2 accounting also plays a major role within the CSRD, which is why we have explained the information on Scope 3 in more detail for you in the article ‘SCOPE 3 emissions in GHG accounting - a challenge for companies’.
There have also been some changes in the legal area: At the beginning of July, the EU published the CSDDD in the Official Journal of the EU. Read ‘Preparing for the CSDDD’ ​to find out what impact this has on companies and what differences there are to the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act. In the article ‘Current ESG and product compliance - new regulatory requirements due to the EU Green Deal​’, we give you an EU update from a legal perspective. How you can read about exactly how the provisions of the CSDDD can affect countries or sectors in ‘Exploitative labor employment: Italian fashion industry in crisis’.
And finally, we look at the USA​ and the ESG endeavors on the ground - extremely exciting against the backdrop of the US election campaign! 

As always, our aim is to provide you with timely and comprehensible information on all key developments in the sustainability and ESG sector. In this respect, I hope that you will also enjoy this edition of our ESG News. You can also find our combined interdisciplinary expertise in the field of ESG on our updated page »​ Sustainability Services​. If you require any further information or have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us personally.

Your, Martin Wambach​

1Source: https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal/green-deal-industrial-plan_en​

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