Successfully investing in Azerbaijan


​​last updated on 7 June 2024 | reading time approx. 2 minutes




How do you assess the current economic situation in Azerbaijan?

Azerbaijan’s GDP grew by 1.1 percent in 2023 and is expected to grow by 1.2 percent in 2024. The inflation rate is expected 5.5 percent which is less than last two years (13.9 percent in 2022, 8.8 percent in 2023). 
Investment growth is also expected in 2024. The promising sectors are construction, services and new projects in the gas and oil industry. High oil and gas prices have driven exports. Further growth in exports of oil, oil products, and gas is expected in 2024. Azerbaijan imports mainly machinery and equipment, food, and transport equipment. Germany is one of the most important trading partners for the import of all kinds of products.

As the host of the 29 Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), the priority of Azerbaijan's energy policy is the creation of green energy types and transportation of green energy to world markets. Freed from occupation, Karabakh and East Zangezur, as well as the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, have been declared green energy zones.

How would you describe the investment climate in Azerbaijan? Which sectors offer the largest potential?

The investment climate in Azerbaijan is very good. The economy is very much dominated by the gas and oil industry. The Azerbaijani government wants to change that and develop other industries. This is strategically important in order not to be dependent on the world prices of oil and gas. Despite of dominance of the gas and oil industry in the economy, the use of green and renewable energy is planned to increase. ​
The following sectors hold a lot of potential and are being developed:
  • Agriculture
  • Logistics
  • Tourism
  • Environmental technology
  • ​IT industry
  • E-commerce
  • Services
  • Construction
  • Oil and gas industries.
Hosting COP29, the 2024 Azerbaijan Grand Prix and the reconstruction process in Karabakh will have a special positive impact on the tourism and construction sector.

What challenges do German companies face during their business ventures into Azerbaijan?

Foreign investors complain most about the still prevailing monopoly economy, the bureaucracy in the offices and the still relatively high level of corruption, which affect the normal course of business. Nevertheless, the situation is expected to improve in these areas because of the adoption of the Competition Code, reforms on transparency and independence of judicial bodies, and anti-corruption policies.


For Germany, Azerbaijan is the most important economic partner in the Caucasus. What is Germany's importance for Azerbaijan?

Germany and Azerbaijan have maintained very good bilateral relations since 1992. Azerbaijan is one of Germany's ten most important crude oil suppliers. Germany is also a very important import partner for Azerbaijan. Germany mainly exports machinery, cars, tools and manufacturing equipment to Azerbaijan. The importance of joint trade relations is demonstrated by the fact that Germany has founded the region's only foreign chamber of commerce in Baku. Both countries work closely together in the areas of economic development, the environment and climate protection, as well as in many cultural areas.​


In your opinion, how will Azerbaijan develop?

Azerbaijan will continue to develop very well. Thanks to its large oil and gas reserves, the country will remain a very important partner in the region.​


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