Kenya: Submission of Applications (Permits, Passes, Citizenship and Multiple Entry Visa)


​​​​​published on 15 April 2020 | Reading time approx. 1 minute




The immigration department will continue accepting new applications for work permits, special passes, citizenship and permanent residency applications. Applicants will prepare the online applications via the EFNS online portal, then physically submit the forms together with the requisite supporting documents at a drop box located at Nyayo House ground floor, Foreign Nationals Management Section. In this regard, all applications for renewal of work permits and special passes, will be done via the online portal. Upon approval, payment of the application should be done via the online portal as instructed on the notification of approval.


Finally, the following requisite documents should be submitted in original hard copy at the drop box located on the 5th floor, Nyayo House.

  • Proof of payment
  • Notification confirming approval of the application
  • Payment receipt
  • Security bond ´


Extension of Visitor's Passes or entry visas

The Director of Immigration Services has confirmed that effective Monday, 13 April 2020, the extension of visitor passes  will be available online through the EFNS portal.  Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications online, upon approval , a notification will be communicated via the online portal indicating the validity of the extension.  Once the travel restrictions are lifted, immigrants intending to travel out of the country,  will be required to present, a hard copy of a valid entry pass / visitors pass at the port of exit.  


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Penninah Munyaka

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+254 722 4808 25

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