Support of the project "Homework supervision" at Ziegelstein primary school in Nuremberg


published on 23 March 2022 | reading time approx. 2 minutes


The association of Grundschule Nürnberg Ziegelstein e.V. serves to support – both ideologically and financially – the educational and teaching commitment of the Ziegelstein primary school in Nuremberg. After a phone call with Mr Thomas Hebes of the association of the Ziegelstein primary school, it became quickly clear that we wanted to support the association.   

The association facilitates the procurement of teaching and learning aids and conducting intensification measures. This includes homework supervision (HauBe). It is a social project conducted on the school premises to improve equal opportunities  for children and young people. 

In close cooperation with teachers, children are provided targeted support in areas in which the class teacher has recommended such additional support to the parents. The reasons why school students need and receive such targeted support are diverse. Since the start in 2010, the number of participating students has continuously increased and the association currently provides support to 55 children at the Ziegelstein primary school. 

Children are enrolled in two to three additional classes per week (first and second graders before noon after the lesson; third and fourth graders in the afternoon at 14:00 – 15:30 hours). Thanks to the constantly growing team of  volunteer supervisors, pupils can be provided support. The idea of homework supervision at the Ziegelstein primary school was developed in cooperation with social pedagogues and is, as far as we know, unique at a primary school, because the supervision is free of charge for the families. 

A high supervisor-student ratio (2 - 3 children per teacher) is important for the association and can be further realised thanks to the donation from the Rödl Employee Fund for Children’s Aid. 


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Dr. Mathias Lorenz, M.I.Tax


+49 911 9193 3687

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