Support to the Project Esportes para Vida (Sports for Life), Instituto Sementinha


published on 12 January 2024 

The Rödl Employee Fund for Children's Aid supports the project "Esportes para Vida" (Sports for Life). The aim is to encourage children and young people to make progress in their education through sport and to improve their holistic physical, emotional, cultural and social development. This creates the basis for a more sustainable and socially equitable society.

The "Sports for Life" project helps strengthen sporting and social skills and improve self-confidence and well-being of approx. 100 children and young people aged 6 to 17 who live in socially disadvantaged neighbourhoods of the Mogi das Cruzes municipality in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The "Sports for Life" project operates by the principle that children and young people can also make progress in their studies and improve their holistic physical, emotional, cultural and social development through sporting activities. There are few social projects in the above-mentioned region, which means that children and young people cannot enjoy secure exercise of their children rights to leisure and culture. This region is thus especially in need of projects that promote well-being, ensure safety for children and young people, provide high-quality education and offer an opportunity to develop healthy social behaviours and environmental awareness. 

It was finally launched shortly before Christmas. On Saturday, 23 December 2023, Phil Klose symbolically handed over a cheque for 5,000 Euro to Instituto Sementinha and Instituto Esporte e Vida on behalf of the Rödl Employee Fund for Children's Aid. Both organisations are located in the home town of the former professional footballer Claudemir Barreto (aka Cacau) and are committed to making a significant difference in the lives of many children.

In a fruitful exchange between the prominent former Bundesliga player and member of the German national soccer team Cacau and Martin Wambach, member of the Foundation Board of the Rödl Employee Fund for Children's Aid, important details had been discussed and the project initiated.

The presence of Cacau, who is an ambassador for this project, lent even more significance to the handover of the cheque. He shares his passion for sports and education of children with his brother-in-law, who runs the two organisations, and his wife, who is always by his side. Investments like this one in the education and emotional well-being of children create the basis for a more sustainable and socially equitable society.

To witness the transformative impact of education and sports, Phil Klose is planning a visit to the project supported by us. We are excited to see the future positive impact of our involvement and will keep you up to date.


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