Tax Identification Number (TIN)

Tax Identification Number (“TIN”) is a unique identifier assigned to individuals and entities who are registered as taxpayers with the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (“IRBM”). 
In the 2022 Budget Speech, it was announced that TIN would be allocated to individuals who are citizens aged 18 years and above, and newly incorporated companies that have registered online with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (“CCM”). If you do not have a TIN, application could be submitted through IRBM via e-Daftar or via manual registration at the nearest IRBM branch.
Due to the digitization effort of the Malaysia government, IRBM is now slowly transferring more and more submissions online rather than through the counter. Therefore, the directors in the Malaysia company is required to login to their MyTax portal using their digital certificate and update their information as directors through the MyTax portal. This is a crucial step to ensure that the director is ready and able to assign the representative to assist with the following submissions in the future:
  • e-CP22
  • e-Form E
  • e-PCB Plus (a new platform that would be takeover all other ways of making monthly tax deduction payments)
  • e-Invoicing​​​​​​​​​

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