South America-event series | Argentina & Uruguay: two worlds, a river apart


published on 22 October 2020


In this third successful webconference of the South America Event-Series the focus was “Argentina & Uruguay: two worlds, a river apart”. Our first class panelists presented their views on the current opportunities and challenges for investors and entrepreneurs in both countries, despite the Corona-Crisis. Many aspects and financial effects in these two regions were analyzed, as well as the expectations of economic recovery in different sectors.

Watch video on YouTube
During the event, the participants had opportunity to send their questions to the panelists, which were answered after they finished their presentations. We are happy to receive many positive feedbacks, like the ones below:


"This was an excellent panel. Thank you very much for all the interesting topics raised and commented on so insightfully. Looking forward to the next webinar!"

"Great and well done seminar. Please keep on doing this kind of events. Thanks."

"It was very interesting! Thank you very much!!!"

"Thank you and go on....congratulations!"


WELCOME: Philipp Klose-Morero, Rödl & Partner & GPSA Regional Manager – South America and Judith Eckert, Argentina and Uruguay Manager – Lateinamerika Verein e.V. (LAV)

INTRO: Carlos Winograd, Economist & Professor, Paris School of Economics

MODERATION: Tamiris de Borba, Rödl & Partner & GPSA EA to Regional Manager – South America and Philipp Klose-Morero



Barbara Konner, CEO AHK Argentina

Carl Moses, GTAI-Representative and Correspondent - Argentina and Mercosur

Willie Tucci, President of AHK Uruguay, CEO of BADER Uruguay

Fernando Schaich, Vice President of AHK Uruguay, Director of SEG Ingeniería

Martin Jebsen, Jebsen & Co. | Member of GPSA                               

Cristian Elbert, Elzen Abogados | Member of GPSA

Horacio Pintos, CSU | Member of GPSA


Contact Person Picture

Phil Klose

Managing Partner South America

+55 11 5094 6060

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