Insights: Make way for E-Invoicing!



The future of invoicing

While there are already discussions in the field of artificial intelligence about how, when, whether and at what cost human jobs will be replaced, solutions are still being sought in the field of electronic invoicing or e- invoicing that will actually deliver the benefits which are undoubtedly expected by all market players. 

Cost savings are not nec​essarily the main focus. Printing, sending, scanning, approving - such processes will no longer be required in future, will change noticeably or certain process steps and media disruptions will be superfluous. This way it will be possible to consistently link upstream and downstream processes, such as a reference to an order or a booking, without the intervention of an accountant. The result is time and cost savings and ultimately increased process reliability and, if necessary, liquidity. 

Another advantage is, of course, the control of payment flows and the prevention of VAT fraud through data that can, in the best case, be reconciled across national borders. 

Legislators are now looking for ways to make electronic invoicing increasingly mandatory. Pioneers in e-invoicing include southern European countries such as Italy, Spain, Croatia, but also Hungary and, of course, Scandinavian countries, which are once again leading the way in terms of digitalisation. For electronic invoicing at EU level, there are currently different systems for electronic transmission and invoicing in the member states of the European Union. According to the European Commission's current plan, all EU member states are to introduce a reporting system for cross-border deliveries and services within the EU by 2028 (or gradually after the latest ECOFIN Council meeting in January 2024). This is now expected to happen by 2030/2032. An enormous challenge here is the different technical implementation in the countries. A uniformly readable format is of little use if data exchange, identification and verification are implemented in completely different ways. 

It is therefore extremely important not only to keep an eye on national VAT and IT requirements, but also to ensure coordinated international monitoring. Our interdisciplinary experts are available worldwide to support you with all questions relating to e-invoicing. The following articles will give you an insight into the current regulations in Germany, Spain​, Poland, France​, Italy​, Romania​, Turkey, Finland, Estonia​, Malaysia​, Lithuania, China and Kazakhstan.​​​

E-Invoicing Current Situation in Spain regarding the E-Invoice and key aspects to be considered for the future

The future of electronic invoicing can be glimpsed in the draft regulation published on 15 June 2023, and in the predecessor law “Crea y Crece”, Law 18/2022 dated on 28 September 2022. The implementation of E-Invoicing will mean significant changes in the way companies currently operate. Read more » ​​​​

E-Invoicing E-Invoicing Germany from 1 January 2025: Action required for interdisciplinary implementation strategy

E-Invoicing is an interdisciplinary topic, which requires a uniform, interdisciplinary, highly tailor-made implementation strategy for the entire incoming and outgoing invoice process. There are only a few months left until 1 January 2025 – optionally already – to implement E-Invoicing for Germany and to think about suitable strategies. Read more » ​​​​​​​​

E-InvoicingPoland: The role of E-Invoicing in the digital transformation of organisations

By deciding to implement E-I​nvoicing, Poland is taking another step towards digital business transformation. It is a revolution in invoicing, which will streamline the process and increase the integrity of the tax system. Read more » ​​​​

E-InvoicingE-invoicing in Poland as the next step in the digitalisation of the Polish tax system

Poland is another EU country that is introducing an electronic invoicing system, the so-called National E-Invoicing System (Polish abbreviation: KSeF), into its national legislation and economy. Read more » ​​

E-Invoicing The French E-Invoicing project: between opportunities and challenges

The French Finance Act for 2022 introduced an ambitious project for E-I​nvoicing and E-reporting in France, with progressive implementation scheduled to start on July 1, 2024. However, this implementation was recently postponed to 2026. Read more » ​​​​​​​

E-InvoicingElectronic Invoicing in Italy, an assessment after a few years since its introduction

The introduction of electronic invoicing in Italy from 2015 for B2G and 2019 for B2B and B2C was a significant step towards efficiency and tax transparency. This measure was an effective response to tax evasion and enabled optimised business processing. Read more » ​​​

E-InvoicingA close look at E-Invoicing in Romania – Navigating the digital landscape

Romania is advancing fast on its journey towards digital transformation by making significant steps on optimising invoicing processes and enhancing tax compliance. The mandatory E-Invoicing reform is closely aligned with the country's broader digitali­​sation agenda, aiming to modernise administrative processes, enhance efficiency and foster economic growth.​ Read more » ​​​​​

E-InvoicingThe Finnish E-Invoicing regulations

In Finland, E-Invoicing was launched in the early 2000s clearly before other countries. As a result of the early launch, we modelled our own national E-Invoice message formats, Finvoice and TEAPPSXML, because there were no existing general models or standards. Read more » ​​

E-Invoicing Estonia: E-Invoice – a convenient tool or an unpleasant obligation for accounting with the public sector?

Already on 15 December 2016, the Riigikogu passed the amendments to the Accoun­ting Act, with one of the objectives being the implementation of E-Accounting. Its wider purpose is to improve and develop the Estonian economy. Invoices on paper and in the .pdf format are expensive and require extra time and work. Read more » ​​​​

E-Invoicing E-Invoicing in Malaysia

E-Invoicing is not just a trend but something that forms a part of the most important transformation business process in Malaysia. In the past, if this word is mentioned in Malaysia or Singapore, the general public and businesses would be thinking of creating invoices through either Excel, Word, Accounting softwares, ERP systems or specialised E-Invoicing applications which also integrate with automated payment solutions. Read more » ​​​​​

E-InvoicingLithuania: E-Invoice – where are we now and where are we going?

When we talk about E-Invoicing, we must agree on terminology. For the purposes of this article, an E-Invoice means an electronic document that is processed digitally from issue to archiving. Generating and e-mailing an unstructured invoice in the PDF or Word format does not qualify as electronic invoicing. Read more » ​​

E-InvoicingNationwide introduction of electronic invoicing in China

As of December 2023, the Tibet Autonomous Region has become the latest region to participate in the pilot program for fully digitalised e-invoicing. It marks the completion of the nationwide implementation of the program within two years, enabling businesses across all provinces to issue fully digitalised electronic invoices through the tax authority’s e-invoicing platform. Read more » ​​​

E-InvoicingE-invoicing and electronic document exchange in Kazakhstan

Issuing invoices and sending and forwarding documents for business purposes is a huge undertaking for any business in Central Asia. In Kazakhstan, for example, accounting requires the preparation of a list of basic documents needed to confirm business transactions. Read more » ​​​

E-Invoicing Electronic invoices and the complete switch to e-documents in Turkey

As part of the so-called switch to E-documents, Turkey has developed enormously in the area of business process digitalisation over the last decade. This switch was greatly accelerated during the pandemic. Read more » ​​​​​​​​​

last updated on 8 May 2024


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