Preparation of annual and consolidated financial statements


​​​​​We will gladly assume the preparation of annual and/or consolidated financial statements for you as a business person or legal representative of a company. In this process and not least due to our professional advice in accounting matters, you are always in a position to decide on the implementation of organisational measures.

More than just a balance sheet and an income statement

Every assignment to prepare annual or consolidated financial statements includes the development of a balance sheet and an income statement based on the account records, and where appropriate, the drawing up of corresponding annexes as well as further financial statement components, such as e.g. the cash flow statement or equity analysis.

Alongside proper documentation, a certificate regarding the preparation of financial statements and a corresponding preparation report comprise our high-quality services offering.

Depending on the type of engagement, we can take on more or less extensive tasks, including e.g. reporting to shareholders and/or boards (e.g. advisory boards). In addition, it should be noted that our financial statement preparation services, which over the years have earned broad recognition among our clients, positively affect your credit standing and can thus lower your interest charges. Our high level of expertise resulting from many years of practical experience make us an ideal partner that you can rely on.

Individual solutions and modern IT infrastructure

In addition to classic financial statement preparation tasks, we are often able to use the knowledge gained during our work on the preparation of the financial statements to develop for you bespoke solutions to, often complex, tax issues and make sure you have modern accounting software or controlling systems in place.
Of course, assisting you in transition to a new accounting system is also part of our expertise, e.g. transition from German GAAP under HGB to IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards).


Contact Person Picture

Martin Wambach

Managing Partner

+49 221 9499 091 00

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