With Infrastructure as a Service, you use virtual resources out of the cloud. From servers and storage to backup and security up to network services: Our virtual machines (VMs) give you flexible, cost-efficient access to all the required infrastructure components you need without having to do any work yourself.
Do you have special requirements regarding licensing or compliance? Rödl & Partner provides your company with the environment that is right for you. We operate your IT-supported processes with the most modern and powerful technologies. Our certified experts take care of the continuous and competent support of your systems.
With Rödl & Partner, the backup of all virtual servers in your data center is additionally transferred to our certified data centers. The technology deployed for this is Veeam Backup & Replication.
Based on this technology, the virtual machines in scope are backed up in the data centers of Rödl & Partner. In case of a restore, the VMs are reconstructed from the Rödl & Partner data centers on an existing or alternatively provided infrastructure in the customer data center. The backups and restores can be managed autonomously by you - our customer - or as a service by Rödl & Partner.
Your benefits:
simple and efficient,
external backup
known platform: use of the Veeam console,
no employee training required
complete control and transparency
over the data backup
modern backup architecture, secure backup
due to end-to-end encryption
as a Veeam Service Provider, Rödl & Partner supports
its customers in the area of licenses, consulting and service design
management of the platform
in certified data centers
On this basis, VMs in scope are replicated asynchronously to Rödl & Partner's data centers. In case of a disaster, the VMs will be started on Rödl & Partner's infrastructure. The management of the virtual machines on the DRaaS landscape, including the restart scenarios, can be performed autonomously by the customer or as services by Rödl & Partner.
Markus Merk
CEO Rödl IT Operation GmbH, Director cloudgermany.de GmbH
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Detlev Geib
Head of Competence Center ERP Server Technology