Amendments to IFRS 9 and IFRS 7: Important changes for the accounting treatment of nature-dependent electricity supply contracts


​​published on 24​ March 2025 | ​reading time approx. ​ 1 minute

Electricity production from renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar energy, is dependent on environmental factors and is therefore subject to fluctuations. With the amendments to IFRS 9 and IFRS 7, the IASB is responding to the resulting challenges for the accounting treatment of power purchase agreements that relate to nature-dependent electricity.

​The most important changes at a glance: 
  • Own use exemption: Use of the own use exemption is now also possible for interim sales of unused nature-based electricity if the new “net buyer” criterion is met. 
  • Hedge accounting: Allows hedge accounting if contracts relating to nature-dependent electricity are used as hedging instruments.
  • Disclosures in the notes: Extension of disclosure requirements to enable users to understand the impact of such contracts on the financial performance of entities.

First-time application: The mandatory first-time application already affects financial years beginning on or after January 1, 2026. Specific transitional provisions apply. Companies should therefore act quickly:
  • Analyze your contracts promptly and check the impact of the changes on your financial statements
  • Adapt your internal accounting processes and reporting structures at an early stage
  • Talk to your advisor or auditor to ensure clarity in good time

Further details and information on IFRS 9 and IFRS 7 can be found in the detailed » background article​​​.  

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