Model 232: News from the sector law, tax and economy in spain


​​​​​published on 23 October 2019

Related party transactions, reduction of income that comes from intangible assets and operations and situations related to tax havens must be declared in the Model 232.


The submission period of the Model 232 will be the month following the tenth-month after the conclusion of the tax period to which the information to be supplied refers to. For example, for fiscal years ending on the 31st December, 2018, the Model 232 must be submitted between the 1st and 30th November, 2019. 


When should the related party transactions be declared in the Model 232?

a. When the total amount of the operations between two related party exceeds the market value of 250,000 € all controlled transactions with that related party must be declared, independently of its amount. The declaration should be submitted for each related party, for type of transaction and valuation method, without the netting of amounts.


For example: If a company has 3 types of transactions with the same related party:


1. Sale of products à 100.000 Euro

2. Purchase of products à 60.000 Euro

3. Payment of interests à 95.000 Euro

All three operations should be declared independently. 



b. Specific transactions carried out with same related party, of the same type and valuated using the same method for which its overall total market value exceeds 100,000 € should be declared.


The following are considered specific transactions:

  • The transactions carried out by taxpayers subject to Personal Income Tax, in the development of an economic activity, to which the method of objective estimation is applied with those entities in which the taxpayer or spouse, ancestors or descendants, individually or collectively, hold a stake equal or higher than 25 per cent of the equity or share capital.
  • Transactions involving the transfer of business.
  • The transactions involving transfer of equity or shares representing the participation in the share capital of any entity not admitted to a negotiation process in any regulated securities market, or admitted to a negotiation process in a regulated securities market situated in countries or territories considered as tax havens.
  • The transactions involving real estate properties.
  • The transactions involving intangible assets.


c. Operations of the same type to which the same transfer pricing valuation method applies and were carried out with the same related person or entity, as long as the total amount of all operations within the same tax period is greater than 50 per cent of the turnover of the entity, regardless the amount of the compensation received as a whole for the operations carried out with the same related person or entity.


d. Spanish transactions excluded from Model 232:

  • Fiscal groups (regardless the volume of their operations).
  • AIES, UTES (regardless of the volume their operations), except UTEs or other analogous forms of collaboration that benefit from the Exemption of income obtained abroad through Permanent Establishment(s) (Article 22 CITL).
  • Transactions carried out in the area of public offers for the sale or acquisition of securities (regardless of the volume of transactions).


Patent box and tax havens

For Income that come from intangible assets (article 23 and transitory provision 29 of the CITL) or operations carried out with tax havens, all operations must be declared, not only related operations.


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Ana Muñoz

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+34 91 5359 977

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