Brazil: SISCOSERV – System definitive shutdown | AMLURB – Renewal of mandatory registration


published on 10 November 2020 | reading time approx. 2 minutes




The Federal Revenue of Brazil (RFB) of the Ministry of Economy (ME) and the Special Secretariats of Foreign Trade and International Affairs (Secint), published on 21 October 2020 in the Official Gazette the Joint Ordinance SECINT / RFB nº 22.091, which formalizes the definitive shutdown of Siscoserv.


Siscoserv is an integrated information system of the Ministry of Development, and consists of the obligation to record information related to transactions carried out between residents or domiciled in Brazil and residents or domiciled abroad that comprise services, intangibles and other operations that produce variations in equity individuals, legal entities or depersonalized entities.


The measure materializes the decision announced on 17 August of this year by the Ministry of Economy and is part of a process of reducing bureaucracy and improving the business environment promoted by the Federal Government, driven by the principles contained in article 2, of Law No. 13,874 / 2019 (Law Economic Freedom).

Therefore, the Ordinance that dealt with the mandatory registration with SISCOSERV was revoked, and with the termination of the obligation, Brazilian importers and exporters no longer need to register such information in the system.



We inform that after decree nº 58.701, of 4 April 2019, which regulates articles 123, 140, 142 and 142 of Law nº 13.478, of December 2002, which provides for the organization of the Urban Cleaning System of the Municipality of São Paulo, all companies located in the city of São Paulo, as well as all companies headquartered outside the capital, but that provide services in the process of transportation, handling, recycling or final destination of solid waste generated in the city must register with CTR –E RGG.


The City of São Paulo, through AMLURB (Municipal Authority for Urban Cleaning), intends to improve the management of all emissions and destinations of solid waste generated in the city, and for that, it needs to register all the companies involved in the process.


This initiative has the intention of reducing the expenses with public garbage collection, improving the city's janitorial actions and increasing the control of the system's stages, besides minimizing the proliferation of urban pests by improving the collection and disposal system. of trash. Therefore, the registration of all companies is essential for the effective control of all the entities involved.


If your company is already registered with AMLURB, it is still necessary to register it at CTR-E RGG regardless of size or industry. In other words, we would like to remind you to check the status of your company's registration and, if the registration has expired it is necessary to register in the CTR-E RGG system, otherwise, you will be subject to the penalties provided for in the legislation.


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Phil Klose

Managing Partner South America

+55 11 5094 6060

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