Brazil: Amendment to the TIPI table – validity from May 01, 2022


published on 6 May 2022 | reading time approx. 1 minute


Last Friday (29 April) Decree 11.055/2022 was published with the new Table of Incidence of the Tax on Industrialized Products – TIPI, which determines new rates of the industrialization tax (IPI).



The Decree that promotes the general reduction of the rates of products classified in the codes listed in the TIPI table, as well as expands the general reduction of the IPI rate from 25 per cent (twenty-five percent) to 35 per cent (thirty-five percent) for most products. The effects of this occur from 1 May 2022.

We recommend that taxpayers review the entire taxation of products related to their activity, in order to correct possible errors and mitigate risks.

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