China's new Negative List: opportunities for European companies


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According to media reports, the Chinese State Council approved a revised Negative List for foreign investment on 19 August 2024. The List contains industrial sectors that are subject to foreign investment restrictions (e.g. joint venture requirement) or are completely closed to foreign investment.


However, the new negative list for 2024 has not yet been published. Nevertheless, current information suggests that foreign investment restrictions will continue to be relaxed. This will be the first revision of the Negative List since 2021 and, according to current information, existing restrictions on access to the manufacturing sector will be completely removed. Further openings will be made in the sensitive sectors of telecommunications, education and healthcare.  If the information on the new Negative List 2024 is confirmed, this could open up further investment and business opportunities for German and European companies.

In addition, Negative Lists for cross-border trade in services in China and in pilot free trade zones have been in force since the end of April 2024. Apart from an earlier list in the Hainan Free Trade Zone, these are the first such Negative Lists for cross-border trade in services. The national List covers 71 sectors, while the FTZ List covers 68 sectors. The Lists are quite comprehensive.

In principle, providers of services not included in the List are treated in the same way as Chinese competitors within China. The FTZ List in particular provides an indication of how restrictions on access to cross-border services will evolve in the near future. For example, foreign professionals in a wide range of sectors (engineering, urban and rural planning, veterinary services and others) will be able to take the relevant examinations in China and then work in the country as registered professionals. However, many restrictions remain, particularly in sensitive sectors such as finance, education, entertainment and information technology.

As soon as more information becomes available, particularly the wording of the new Negative List, we will keep you informed.​​​


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