Myanmar: First reported coronavirus cases


​​​​last updated on 1 April 2020 | reading time approx. 1 minute


Myanmar has been population wise the largest country which did not have a reported Covid-19 case for a long time until this changed in the last week with two first cases. Currently (Status: 31. March 2020) there are 14 confirmed cases but the small amount of performed tests leads to assumptions of a higher real number. Official data reveals that 517 person have been tested so far, 426 of which have been confirmed negative and were released from quarantaine already.




The government ordered all country-wide organisations, Ministries, the Naypyitaw council and regional administrations to reduce the office staff to 50 per cent. The 50 per cent who are not able to work are requested to stay home as much as possible and to reduce all social activities.


Restaurants in the bigger cities of the country, including Yangon, Naypyitaw and Mandalay, are encouraged to provide food only for delivery and pick-up. Bars are closed and opening hours of shopping malls are reduced.

Though this is not an overall lockdown yet, it is recognizable that the country prepares itself further for restrictions and social distancing.

Commercial flights to and from Myanmar are stopped completely and foreigners are not allowed to entert he country for the time being, only exceptions for diplomats or official missions are possible. Visa-on-arrival procedures are on hold but visa-extensions for foreig-ners inside the country are eased and proceeded within 5 working days.


As an economic incentive, the Central Bank of Myanmar reduced the interest rates by 1,5 per cent (effective from 1 April 2020) and the advanced tax of 2 per cent on exports has been suspended temporarily.


Though the supply shortage of raw material from China has nearly been overcome, numerous cancellations of customers from Europe force further garment factories to close gates.



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Tobias Alker

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