EU Proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDD)


published on 24 August 2022 | Quelle: – Edition July/August 2022 

The European Union (EU) has been promoting the adoption of more sustainable approaches to all aspects of life – social, governance and corporate – as the bloc recovers from the Covid-19 shock to the system. As part of this effort, the European Commission introduced the Proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD) to oblige business to protect human rights and the environment. 

In an article on EURObizonline, Sebastian Wiendieck und Felix Engelhardt introduce the main pillars of the proposed CSDD and draws readers’ attention to the far-reaching implications the directive will have on companies’ operations around the globe.

You can download the complete EURObiz-issue July/August 2022 via the following link: EURObiz Magazine »


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