Kenya: 20 per cent work permits not verified in recently concluded check on work permits


​​​​​​published on August 17, 2018


The Department of Immigration Services has now concluded the verification exercise, which ran for two months from 22 July 2018. Dr Fred Matiang'i, the Interior Cabinet Secretary, issued a press statement on the concluded work permit verification exercise.




He confirmed that the government will issue several administrative and policy changes to enhance service delivery, and guarantee security of work permits which include the class D work permit (employee work permit), class G work permit (investor work permit), special passes, internship passes and  dependant passes.


The proposed administrative and policy changes will include:

  • Setting strict guidelines for issuance of passes and work permits
  • Issuing severe penalties for foreigners who come into the country on tourist visa and start working illegally. Similar penalties will be issued for companies and individuals who employ foreigners without the necessary documentation.
  • Maintaining a regularly updated digital database of work permit holders in the country
  • Establishing a committee to recommend passes and work permits for approval
  • Applicants will be required to apply for the required work permits from their home country before travelling to Kenya.
  • The process of applying for work permits from home countries is as yet unclear and subject to issuance of guidelines from the Immigration Department and the Ministry.


Results of Verification

In the just concluded exercise:


  • 26,829 work permits were verified.
  • 2,760 work permits were accounted for but not verified due to various reasons such as unavailability of the work permit holders because of illness or travel.
  • 3,434 work permit holders did not show up for the verification and are now alleged to be in the country illegally.



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