Support for Girls' Centre in Nuremberg


​published on 29 February 2024 

Mädchentreff e.V. is a registered non-profit association. It was founded in 1985 and is affiliated to Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband (PWV). The main funding body is the City of Nuremberg's Youth Welfare Office.

The Girls' Centre (Mädchentreff) is located centrally in the St. Leonhard district in Georgstraße in a sandstone building directly on Leonhardsplatz.

The girls have 147 m2 at their disposal and the area can be used as classrooms and offices (1 computer room, 1 classroom also used as a disco room, 1 café room, 1 workshop with kitchenette).

The Girls’ Centre’s activities are addressed to all girls and are organised in the spirit of inclusiveness and gender diversity awareness from the very beginning. The main target group are all school-age girls from the districts of St. Leonhard and Schweinau and the neighbouring Sündersbühl. 

The Girls' Centre is mainly attended by younger girls between the ages of seven and twelve. Due to limited space and personnel capacities, not all age groups can be adequately catered for. Older girls rather come if they need counselling or for services such as Girls' Talk, which can only be attended by girls from the age of ten. The founding women specifically chose a disadvantaged neighbourhood like St. Leonhard in 1985. It is still one of the neighbourhoods with the highest at-risk-of-poverty rate, the highest rate of people with migration background and a particularly high rate of single parents. Because of poverty, girls from this neighbourhood in particular suffer significantly reduced educational opportunities and therefore also fewer opportunities to shape their future based on strengths and self-awareness. This also means that girls with a difficult social and economic background have not been able to use the educational opportunities that opened up for women in recent decades. The Girls' Centre counters this disadvantage by offering targeted, low-barrier, high-quality yet free or low-cost educational programmes for girls from St. Leonhard and the surrounding area.

Together with the decision-makers at Mädchentreff e. V., we brain-stormed how the Rödl Employee Fund for Children's Aid could help here and donated 3,000 euros to further support the courses and also financially contributed to the energy costs.

The funds will be used for helping the girls in their homework, for eco workshops (environmental education programmes), PC workshops (media education programmes) and the Runter vom Sofa (Get up off the couch) project (cultural education programmes). 


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