IDW Publishes Module Statements on Sustainability Reporting


published on 3 December 2024 I reading time approx. 2 minutes

On August 28, 2024, the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW) approved the final versions of the first five module statements of the modular guidance IDW RS FAB 100. This guidance is designed to support companies that fall under the scope of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in the implementation and consistent interpretation of the new European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), contributing to the goal of transparent and comparable sustainability reporting.​

The five modules, each standalone and separately approved by the IDW, address specific questions related to ESRS-compliant double materiality assessment and the scope of consolidation:
  • ESRS 1-M1.1: Linking materiality assessment with the due diligence process for sustainability
  • ESRS 1-M1.2: Inclusion of affected stakeholders in the ESRS materiality assessment
  • ESRS 1-M1.3: Assessment of materiality in diversified groups
  • ESRS 1-M1.4: Assessment of the materiality of impacts along the value chain
  • ESRS 1-M2.1: Inclusion of subsidiaries deemed immaterial for the consolidated financial statement in consolidated sustainability reporting

In addition to extensive explanations on each topic, the guidance also includes numerous schematic illustra­tions and examples, offering practical assistance for meeting complex reporting requirements.

Draft versions of four additional modules covering topics such as reporting boundaries, com-pany-specific disclosures, operational control, and gender pay gaps were open for consulta-tion until November 15, 2024, and will probably soon be finalized. Furthermore, seven new draft modules were published on November 29, 2024, including interpretations of the phase-in provisions regulated in ESRS 1, the derivation from material topics to material disclosure re-quirements and data points, and the procedure for identifying and assessing climate-related risks. The drafts are freely accessible on the IDW website​ and the deadline for comments is March 31, 2025. The final approved modules are available for access or purchase online through the IDW databases. 

From the Newsletter


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Christian Maier

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