Rödl & Partner South America and other partners are the main supporters of a campaign to denounce and protect against harassment and sexual harassment of women on public transport

  • "Respect Collective" seeks to sensitize society to an effective change in the reality of women in the daily life of public transpor
  • The reporting and reception channel will be coordinated by the "Justiceiras" Project, which provides online assistance to combat violence against women in the legal, medical, psychological and social assistance areas
  • "Justiceiras" have already assisted more than 13,500 victims and have around 15,000 registered female volunteers
  • Campaign has a contribution of BRL 1.8 million from the German development bank DEG and donations from partners

Rödl & Partner,  South America, and other partners, made possible the initiative of  Mercedes Bens do Brasil, and together achieved a commitment to listening to the voices of the roads and streets, has just created the campaign "Collective of Respect". This action seeks to raise awareness of society for an effective change in the reality of women in the daily life of public transport, especially on buses. For this, the reception and protection of the victims will be carried out through the work developed by the "Justiceiras" Project, an organization that acts in the fight against violence against women. The first contact for reporting or seeking support will be made through an exclusive channel created especially for sexual harassment of women on public transport.


The entire management of the reporting channel and reception will be carried out by the volunteers of the "Justiceiras" Project, which will provide multidisciplinary online assistance in the legal, medical, psychological, and social assistance areas. Since 2020, the "Justiceiras" has assisted more than 13,500 victims, with approximately 15,000 registered female volunteers.


Alignment with ESG principles

"Companies need to focus on their impact on society by promoting diversity and inclusion, ensuring safe and healthy working conditions for employees, supporting the communities where they operate, and respecting human rights.", says Philipp Klose-Morero CEO of Rödl & Partner South America. 


The internal team of volunteers at Mercedes-Benz do Brasil is made up of 22 leaders from all the Company's departments, of which six are responsible for the direct actions of the Collective of Respect. "We understand that by helping the passenger, we are also taking care of the bus and consequently our business, but mainly we aim to reduce harassment rates in public transport", emphasizes Kathrin Pfeffer. "This commitment is fully aligned with the positioning of our bus unit: Thinking about the collective. Thinking about the future!".


Financial support and donations from partners

The Collective of Respect counts the financial contribution of BRL 1.8 million from a subsidiary of KfW Bankengruppe from Germany, one of the world's leading and most experienced development banks.


The Brazil-Germany Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK São Paulo) gave full support to the process of conducting and approving the project, as well as the interface and governance of the topic externally with government authorities and other companies.


Considering hours of coordination, contracting, governance, internal Marketing resources and other activities, Mercedes-Benz do Brasil will contribute with the equivalent of R$ 1.4 million, with no monetary value involved. In addition, donations of around BRL 300,000 are planned from partners, including: Rödl & Partner South America, Assobens, Basf, Fabus, Mirow, NTU and T-Systems.



Contact Person Picture

Phil Klose

Managing Partner South America

+55 11 5094 6060

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