Acquiring Mexican citizenship alongside German?


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Until now, adult Germans could only acquire Mexican citizenship by giving up their German citizenship. Following an amendment to German nationality law, German citizens are now allowed dual citizenship. This means that Germans can acquire Mexican nationality alongside their German nationality. That has interesting advantages: According to the Mexican constitution, only Mexicans can directly purchase real estate on the country's borders and coasts.

What has changed?
The previous German Nationality Act (StAG) did not allow dual citizenship. Exceptions apply to all nationals of EU member states and those countries with which bilateral agreements on multiple citizenship exist. There is no such agreement between Germany and Mexico. Adult German citizens had to give up their German citizenship to take on Mexican citizenship.

The law to modernize the nationality law, which came into force on 27 June 2024, now allows Germans dual citizenship with only a few restrictions.

What does Mexican law require?

From a Mexican perspective, the requirements of Mexican nationality law (Ley de Nacionalidad and the associated regulation) must be met to acquire Mexican nationality. The standard requirement is a minimum of five years' legal residence in Mexico. However, there are exceptions for descendants or spouses of Mexicans, for whom shorter waiting periods apply.

Like Germany, applicants must pass a naturalization test. In this test, they demonstrate that they have a command of the Spanish language, are familiar with Mexican history and have integrated into Mexican culture. The test consists of two parts, a history and culture test and a language test, each of which takes 10 minutes and consists of multiple-choice questions. To prepare for the naturalization test, the Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE) provides official study instructions that can be downloaded from its website.

In addition, Mexican law requires foreigners to renounce their previous citizenship to accept Mexican nationality. The candidate must renounce their previous citizenship and subordination, obedience, and loyalty to the other state in favor of the Mexican state. The renunciation is relative and applies only to all matters regarding the Mexican state. For example, you must renounce the consular protection of your country of origin. You give up your German civil rights in favor of Mexico. However, the Mexican law allows dual citizenship. In this respect, the German passport holder can, for example, continue to travel visa-free to the USA using their German citizenship despite having Mexican citizenship.

What are the advantages of dual citizenship?

Dual citizenship offers the unrestricted right to live and work in Mexico, hold political office, and participate in elections. In practice, it is especially important to note that only Mexican nationals may purchase land and real estate in the so-called “zonas restringidas”. This includes the corridor that extends 100 km from the national borders and 50 km from the coast.

Indirect acquisition via a „fideicomiso​“?

Foreigners can only purchase residential property in this „zona restringida“ by means of a „fideicomiso“. The trust itself acquires the property, and a trustee manages it for the beneficiary, who contributes the funds to the trust. The foreigner is granted a contractual, unrestricted right of use as a kind of usufruct. However, he does not acquire ownership. Only state-authorized „instituciones fiduciarias“ that are subject to banking supervision may act as trustees. Mexican banks have developed a separate line of business from this regulation and receive appropriate remuneration for their services in the form of annual fees.


The change in nationality law opens new opportunities for Germans who live in Mexico and want to invest. It not only facilitates the purchase of real estate but also supports greater integration into Mexican society. Those who meet the requirements should take advantage of this opportunity to benefit from the new regulations.​​
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