Singapore´s new Platform Workers Act 2024


The Platform Workers Act came into force on 1 January 2025 and will provide for rights, obligations, protections, and representation of platform workers and platform operators such as Grab, Gojek, and Foodpanda.
Platform operators under this Act are individuals or companies who provide ride-hail or delivery services or exercise management control over platform workers. Platform workers are those who have a platform agreement with a platform operator and perform ride-hailing or delivery services under the operator’s management control.

The Act will protect platform workers in three key areas: 

  • First, platform operators and workers will both be required to contribute to the workers’ housing and retirement adequacy through CPF; 
  • Second, platform workers will be assured of financial compensation for injuries sustained while working;
  • Third, a legal framework for representation will allow platform workers to formally engage in collective discussions on employment matters.
Platform operators must notify the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) of their status before the law takes full effect. Under the Act, CPF contributions are mandatory for platform workers born on or after 1 January 1995, while older workers may opt in. Those who opt in will benefit from the enhanced Platform Workers CPF Transition Support, designed to offset 100 % of their share of the increase in CPF Ordinary and Special Account contributions in 2025.
Additionally, the Act mandates that platform operators provide work injury compensation coverage for pick-up and delivery tasks at the same level as employees under the Work Injury Compensation Act 2019.

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