Newsflash ASEAN



​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Latest news on law, tax and business in ASEAN.




Dear reader 

Welcome to the Q1/2025 edition of our ASEAN Newsflash. This year has begun with significant chal-lenges for global trade, driven by rising protectionist tendencies. In this context, fostering and pro-moting international trade relations has become increasingly important. Therefore, it is encouraging to report that the EU has made further progress in FTA negotiations with Indonesia and Thailand. Addi-tionally, free trade negotiations with Malaysia are planned to continue within 2025.
We also take a closer look at the Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone, which aims to enhance cross-border connectivity between Malaysia and Singapore. This initiative is designed to facilitate travel and labor mobility between the two countries and encourage collaboration across industries, creating a robust business environment. Malaysia and Indonesia are both working on im-plementing the Global Minimum Tax under the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting. However, given the current political developments and the rejection of this initiative by the current US administration, the future of this taxation scheme remains uncertain.

Below, we would like to draw your attention to our upcoming ASEAN Forum Bangkok. We look forward to meeting you there for a personal exchange.

Join us at the ASEAN Forum, dedicated to supporting your cross-border business endeavors. This event will provide profound insights into topical business opportunities and challenges in ASEAN countries. Meet our experts in audit, tax, legal, and BPO from Bangkok, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Ja-karta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Singapore, and Yangon to get updated on business opportunities and challenges in the ASEAN region. 

  • TURNKEY TALK: Essential Aspects for EPC Contracting in ASEAN
  • OPTIMIZING INVESTMENT STRATEGIES IN THAILAND: Leveraging Tax Incentives & Navigating Transfer Pricing Policies
  • MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES IN ASEAN: Most recent Leadership Trends & Liability Risks for Man-agement/Directors
  • RENEWABLE ENERGY IN SOUTHEAST ASIA: Current Landscape, Challenges & Future Directions
  • PANEL DISCUSSION: Safely Navigating Your Business Through Shifting Times

[Program and registration HERE​].

​Looking forward to meeting you in person!

Sincerely yours,​
​Markus Schlueter


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Jürgen Baur


+66 2 0263 258

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Markus Schlüter


+49 221 9499 093 42

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