Renewable energy consulting



Renewable energy – technologies for generating electricity and heat using wind, sun, biomass, hydropower or geothermal energy have become an integral part of energy policies in numerous countries. Worldwide, the renewable energy industry generates billions of Euros in turnover. As diverse as the countries are, so is the potential and emphasis of energy policies attributable to these technologies.


Concerning climate and resource policies, further development of renewable energy markets will be enforced on a national and international scale. Especially emerging countries experiencing increasing economic growth and energy demands will be seeking to benefit from renewables and reduce their dependence on imported fossil fuels.


Investors in renewable energies come from diverse backgrounds: project developers, energy suppliers, financial institutions, insurance companies, private equity funds, private investors, the public sector as well as water suppliers.


Our international expertise and comprehensive market knowledge for your project
Whether in a national or international context, Rödl & Partner always adapts to the specific needs of each client when providing renewable energy consulting services. Our goal is always the successful realization of a project or transaction.


Our interdisciplinary business model coupled with our international expertise in the field of Renewable Energies assures our clients unparalleled added value.


Marketing Models for Renewable Energy

​You are an investor or a project engineer and want to gain a quick overview regarding the possibilities of a certain country market? You would like to know which marketing model will work well in a specific country?



We give you an overview about the following marketing models:


We are looking on the current situation of different countries worldwide, the chances as well as the risks of each model and will give an outlook on the possible developement.

Our services

Learn more about Rödl & Partners Know-How. We are active in many fields throughout the renewable energy sector. On the following sites, you will find detailed information regarding our portfolio: 



On the following pages our experts will provide you with the latest business insights from around the globe. We update our content regularly to keep you informed about anything new and noteworthy in the renewable energy sector. Benefit from our expertise relating to legal, financial, project- and technology-specific consulting.

Impressions of the 12th Edition of our Renewable Energy Industry Event


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Martin Wambach

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+49 221 9499 091 00

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Anton Berger


+49 911 9193 3601

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Kai Imolauer


+49 911 9193 3606

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Rödl & Partner is always there, where our clients see potential for commercial engagement. Are you interested in a particular market and would like to find the relevant country contact? More » 

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