Auditing for the automotive industry


Germany and the automotive industry are almost inseparable. As a driving economic force and, in some cases, a cultural staple, the expectations placed on the automotive industry in Germany are immense. Hardly any other industry is continually expected to show a high degree of flexibility to keep pace with rapid technological developments and regulatory requirements. The looming impact of autonomous driving, electro­mo­bi­lity, alternative drives, the use of new materials, and connectivity is almost omni­pre­sent, forcing the industry to constantly plan and reorganize for this fast-approaching future. Medium-sized suppliers must build a strategic approach based on their situation and market position in order to remain competitive in the global automotive industry well into the future. In most cases, growth strategies are led by process optimisation – including increased automation of manufacturing processes and consideration of technological trends. This primarily affects the core processes of the automotive and supplier industry: product development and creation, procurement, value creation, sales, and the indirect or administrative areas.

What moves the industry

​The automotive industry is subject to constant change from a variety of legal, economic, social, and technological influences. Presently, two highly impactful and relevant influences are environmental regulatory changes, which aim to address climate change and the looming industry transition from internal combustion engine to new drive technologies (general i.e. performance).

Our industry expertise

​Rödl & Partner has been advising and auditing companies in the automotive industry for years. Our specialists stand not only for extensive experience and high professional competence, but also for fast, pragmatic and reliable approaches to solutions in the interest of our clients. In order to provide you with the best possible service, we always rely upon interdisciplinary teams with industry experience. Auditors, lawyers, tax advisers, IT auditors and management consultants work hand in hand to consider the relevant aspects of the issue. Plus, as a result of our worldwide presence, we are not only able to provide comprehensive advice to the parent company in Germany, but also can be on-site wherever our clients have subsidiaries or see potential for future activities. Our clients include, but are not limited to, suppliers of global automotive and commercial vehicle manufacturers as well as dealers.
Rödl & Partner stands for high-quality, interdisciplinary advisory from a single source. Accordingly, our team provides comprehensive support in almost all matters relevant to the automotive industry. In addition to the classic fields of activity (such as audit or audit-related advisory services, (tax) legal advice, M&A, IT and processes), we support the industry with holistic advisory services on special topics, i.e. all services related to IPO readiness, accounting and reporting as well as transformation and transaction-related topics.

Our services

​Comprehensive, high-quality and future-oriented services for the automotive industry must always meet the requirement of added value. We develop joint, targeted solutions to the issues facing the industry - be it a traditional audit of financial statements in compliance with the German Commercial Code (HGB) or IFRS, or comprehensive support for an M&A transaction.


Our services at a glance »


Contact Person Picture

Christian Maier

Head of Sustainability Services, Partner

+49 711 7819 147 73

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