Renewable energy law

​​In light of the growing expansion of renewable energy infrastructure and output capacities, incentives for the production of electricity and heat using renewable energy sources are gaining in importance in environmental and energy law consulting.
We provide advice on all renewable energy sources (biogas, sewage gas, landfill gas, mine gas, biomass, hydro power, solar power, wind power) and in all phases of project development and plant operation.

In particular, we advise on legal issues relating to:

  • Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz (EEG) [Renewable Energies Act]
  • Erneuerbare Energien Wärme Gesetz (EEWärmeG) [Renewable Energies Heat Act]
  • Biomasseverordnung (BiomasseV) [Biomass Ordinance]
  • Systemstabilitätsverordnung (SysStabV) [System Stability Ordinance]
  • Ausgleichsmechanismusverordnung (AusglMechV) [Equalisation Scheme Ordinance]
  • alternative electricity marketing strategies for EEG plants
  • European energy and environmental law (EC Renewables Directive)
  • environmental law
  • planning law 
Rödl & Partner advises public utilities, municipalities, planning entities, plant and distribution network operators, industry and contracting companies as well as interest groups.


Contact Person Picture

Nadine Juch

Associate Partner

+49 911 9193 3559

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